Till now, I have flown a total of 481,333 miles. That is more than 19 times around the world, and twice the distance to the moon.
I have done this via a total of 187 flight segments, passing through 37 airports, in 11 countries and utilizing 24 carriers.
I have flown as north as Edinborough (EDI), as south and east as Kuala Lumpur (KUL), and as west as San Francisco (SFO).
The longest flight I have taken is the 14 hour leg from Dubai (DXB) to New York (JFK). The shortest is the 37 minute hop between Milwaukee (MKE) and Chicago (ORD).

All these stats are thanks to two things. One, my idiosyncrasy of keeping a log of all the flights I have ever taken. The second is the site for people like me called OpenFlights.org
All I needed was a bit of excel transformation to convert my existing flight log into a format acceptable to the site, upload and done.
That is how I know that if I had taken all the flights one after another, I would have spent 43 days, 22 hours and 39 minutes in the air. In reality, if I include all the check-in and waiting times, you could call it about two months in airports and flights around the world.